Mark 10:14
(Jesus) said to them, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Establish A Special Needs Trust For Loved Ones With Special Needs
God has blessed Attorney D'Onofrio's law practice, as such John has chosen to give back by providing free Special Needs Trusts to the special needs community.
Attorney D'Onofrio has vowed to provide every family of a Special Needs Child with a free Special Needs Trust regardless of the wealth or status of the family. John is determined to touch the lives of as many special needs children and their families as possible.
Call to today for your free Special Needs Trust (412) 928-2068.
Schedule your appointment now, get peace of mind now.
In 2010 Attorney D'Onofrio was graciously awarded the Jefferson Award, a prestigious national recognition system founded by the late Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, honoring community and public service in America.
John is a member of the Academy of Special Needs Planners.
Why A Special Needs Trust Is Important
The most frequent question that I receive as an estate planning attorney is, "What will happen to my special needs child if something happens to me?" Parents specifically want to answer the following:
Where will my special needs child live?
Who will take care of my child on a daily basis?
How will my special needs child get to doctors' appointments, school or to other activities?
Who will provide for my special child's housing, clothing, food and medical needs?
A proper special needs estate plan consists of a special needs trust and ancillary documents pertaining thereto as well as a last will and testament, general durable power of attorney and a living will for each parent. Together, these documents will create financial provisions for the care and support of your child while at the same time protecting his or her government benefits.
Does My Child Need A Trust?
A special needs trust will work alongside government benefits, allowing your child to maintain eligibility for support. Knowing that your loved one with a disability will be cared for financially and medically allows you to live at ease. Designating someone you know, love and trust to serve as a trustee of the special needs trust is beneficial, as they can use discretion over how your money is spent to benefit your loved one.
This is helpful since the special needs individual may not be able to make financially wise decisions and the special needs trust will prevent them from losing government benefits.
Some Of The Benefits Of A Special Needs Trust Include:
All of the goods and services your special child or loved one needs will be paid for through the trust at the approval of the trustee, based on appropriate following of government guidelines.
Almost every type of property can be included in a special needs trust, including real estate, a business, jewelry or other valuable goods. The important thing is to ensure that your loved one has enough money to pay for their basic needs and other enjoyable pastimes.
An Experienced Lawyer Serving Western Pennsylvania
It is important that the trustee follows the federal and state guidelines pertaining to the administration of special needs trusts to make certain that neither the trust funds nor any government benefits are compromised. That is where the experience of a Special Needs attorney like John comes in handy.
If you would like more information on how to create a properly drafted special needs trust as well as additional information on special needs estate planning, contact my law office online or call 412-928-2068 and schedule a free initial consultation in my Pittsburgh-area office.
Again, there is NO FEE for the Special Needs Trust.
Special Needs Planning - A Series of Informative Articles
- A Short Introduction to Special Needs Planning
- Why it is Important to Have an Attorney Who Focuses on Special Needs Trusts
- Make Sure Your Estate Plan Doesn't Put Your Special Needs Child at Risk
- What is a “Third-Party Special Needs Trust” and How is it Different From Other Kinds of Trusts?
- A Simple Way to Organize Your Special Needs Planning Documents
- Can the Beneficiary of a Special Needs Trust Change the Trustee?
- What Can My Special Needs Trust Pay For Without Affecting My Disability Benefits?
- Don't Confuse the Roles of Trustee and Care Manager
- Ensuring Continuity in Delivering Care to a Trust Beneficiary
- Five Events That Require an Immediate Call to Your Special Needs Planner
- Four Reasons Why Dropping Medicaid is Not a Good Idea After a Large Award or Settlement
- High Court Says Girl With Special Needs Can Sue Over School's Refusal to Allow Service Dog
- How to Make Distributions to an SNT Beneficiary Without Disrupting Their SSI
- IDEA 101: A Short Primer on the Law of Students With Special Needs
- Life Insurance Offers a Special Way to Fund a Special Needs Trust Without Financial Strain
- People With Disabilities Can Now Create Their Own Special Needs Trust
- Should an SSI Recipient Simply Refuse an Inheritance?
- Should I Disinherit a Child With Special Needs?
- The Pros and Cons of ABLE Accounts
- The Top Five Responsibilities of a Trustee of a Special Needs Trust
- Use Caution When Paying Family Caregivers
- When Can Trust Funds Be Used to Modify a Home That The Trust Doesn't Own?